Why is it so Rare to Arrange Quiet Time?

I’m home today, and it’s the day after my birthday. Therese is helping her mother recuperate from surgery on the West Coast and the kids are in school.

I feel extremely relaxed; it’s the first truly quiet time I have enjoyed in a while. Sirius XM is playing a lot of eastern sitar-based music that is helping me get into a near meditative state. Of course, too much continuous sitar music will likely become irritating!

Why is it so rare to arrange quiet time?

There’s potentially a better workspace for my day job is in the works, in fact the architects were taking measurements just the other day. If the Slingo art team actually gets a more sequestered, quieter space, it could truly simplfy getting into the zone on a daily basis.

I have commenced the thumbnail and layout phase of my graphic novel ashcan. It is such a liberating feeling to have a self-created piece that I am truly obsessed with. As Miles Finch says in “Elf”: “It’s just one of those ideas, I’m just psyched out of my mind about…ya’ know, it’s just one of those ideas where you’re like, YES!”

If I could only make a living doing this!


Yes, I make them. This is as good a place as any to publish them.
In order of importance:

  • Create ashcan sample of original graphic novel. Attend NY Comic-Con to assess market.
  • Break with under-performing music project(a). Concentrate on the TMJ Ensemble exclusively (while continuing home recording pursuits) to free up time for graphic novel
  • Register at New School Professional Studies and take at least one online course
  • Work out more intensely – lose some weight
  • Play fewer video games

Best wishes for a happy, successful 2009!