Spud Comics: One Hundred Comics in One Hundred Days

Lonnie Easterling, the creator of one of my favorites – the consistently funny one-panel, color Spud Comics –  has clearly lost his mind. He is creating 100 comics in 100 days and my hat is off to him. The single panel approach and sensibility brings to mind Gary Larsen’s Far Side; I’ll even go as far as to call Lonnie’s great writing and spot-on art the heir apparent.

What are you still doing here? Go on, check out Spud Comics for a guaranteed laugh. If you are into the whole Facebook thing, you should “Like” Spud Comics on Facebook. I know I do.

Til next time,

“My Life In The Trenches” Turns One Year Old Today!

I had a pretty lofty goal of where I wanted it to be at this point. I started with the mindset that:

“if, at the one-year mark I miss my goal of x monthly visits – I’ll pull the plug.”

I’m afraid I can’t do that, Dave.

I’m still having fun with it (and gaining some traction) so I’m considering some changes:

  • More blogging on days that are not “new comic” days. I’ll try to be diligent about writing posts that I think might be of interest. Some will be shout-outs to other comics, others might be movie and TV reviews, graphics tips and techniques, etc. These fall under the “Dempsey Doodles” moniker of the site. This way, free time can come here to die Monday-Friday.
  • The schedule for new comics will increase to three days a week, starting in October 2010. I have flip-flopped on this before committing it in writing but the conventional wisdom in the webcomics community supports that more traffic will follow with more new strips. Looks like Monday/Wednesday/Friday.

Thanks for a first year that didn’t suck, I truly appreciate all the comments and retweets. Here’s to the next year of My Life In The Trenches. Heaven help us.


As Long As You’re Here

A big thanks has to go out to Scott Kurtz of the great PvP Online strip for naming his new project with the Penny Arcade guys a lot like my strip. I’m enjoying the spike in traffic. If you are one of these new visitors I hope you’ll stay around and take an archive dive and maybe see that my comic doesn’t suck.

Kurtz –  along with the other Halfpixel guys – wrote the book “How To Make Webcomics” which pretty much changed my life. This doesn’t say much about me, and like a lot of fans I’m looking forward to what he does with “The Trenches”. But does the net really need another video gamer webcomic? Just saying.

Till next time.

– T.A.D.