More Boob Tube Doodling

I just had to run down – and back up – two flights of stairs to get my sketchbook once this face came across the cable. 

The only Michael Moore film that I’ve ever seen was Fahrenheit 911, and I recall enjoying it immensely. The kind of thought-provoking – albeit far fetched – film that was controversial immediately; a couple walked out in disgust and I remember a friend and his father bristling at my endorsement of the film at a bachelor party.
Say what you like, but he states his reaction to the ’08 Presidential election rather eloquently.

There’s No Such Thing as a Free Lunch

My colleague and good friend turned me on to recently (actually my son already discovered this sort of program and brought it to my attention, but I digress). The way it works is that you sign up for two online offers that earn you points; when you earn enough points you redeem them for merchandise. The trade-off is that they have your e-mail and can spam you for the rest of your time on our planet.

So in good faith, I offered up my AIM email and purchase two products. The result is that after redeeming the coveted prize – in this case Guitar Hero: World Tour with controller – my account was abruptly cancelled accusing me of violating the TOS (Terms of Service). To make matters worse, one of the orders pulled a bait and switch for merchandise totalling nine times my agreed purchase. Now I have to stay on top of that to return the merchandise.

Avoid YourFree360games and other similar points/rewards programs.

W.I.P.: Cherub Girl

Here’s a quick character design I whipped up in some spare time.

The image is an original character and was done in about two hours or so in a digital sculpting application. Either she is wingless because I have real work to do , or she hasn’t earned her wings yet. Likely the former…

I am working on a more ambitious, realistic female character but it will likely take another week.

Sometimes rattling off a quick, fun design is a much needed diversion.

To the cherub: IOU wings